
May 13, 2015

Live Broadcasting 3D Printing Projects

Live Broadcasting on Periscope
I've recently started using Periscope - a live broadcasting app which is now owned by Twitter - to broadcast 3D Printing projects as they print, live, to my followers. The Periscope app is so easy to get going, and it runs on a phone (iOS only for now - ugh - so I borrowed an old iPhone to do this). It is super convenient to set up the phone cam in front of the printer without any set up time at all.

Why Broadcast 3D Printing?

The main reasons and benefits to broadcast are simple:

#1 - I can explain 3D Printing live - and get the same effect as if people are right in front of me - something that I've noticed lots of friends and family enjoy when they come over if they have not yet seen a 3D printer live (which most haven't yet).

#2 - I can interact with people via Audio while the video streams.  I don't have to use the keyboard - which is so convenient while printing. People who are watching ask questions about the project being printed via text and I answer on audio. Simple.

#3 - I don't have to personally be in the video at all - the camera is always showing the printer. Of course, there is a "flip to back-facing cam" button if you ever want to be the live reporter, but I haven't used that yet.

#4 - Most Importantly: I can watch MY OWN printer live from another room or even remotely via the web or on the mobile periscope app! This is actually my favorite benefit. I set up periscope, and even if it's boring others to death, I can check in on my printer to see if everything is moving along ok.

#5 - I can save the video to my phone gallery and post to YouTube or edit it. If my explanations to viewers were good, the sound track can even be useful for later instructional videos. The video can also be watched as a replay on Periscope if you follow MkrClub.

I can do something almost exactly the same on Google Hangouts on Air, just haven't yet, but will definitely try that. What I liked about starting with Periscope, is it uses my twitter following to let people know I'm live. I've had as many as 30 or so simultaneous viewers on projects and over a hundred over the course of a single broadcast. I get great response from people when I interact with them live. The most fun part is when friends I know join and ping me while I'm live!

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