
Feb 28, 2016

Google Calendar 3D Printed Logo

It has been quite a while since I've modeled a Google product icon (Expeditions), and much longer since I did my first (Google Docs!) - so I thought it was time to catch up with some others that are deserving. Google Calendar is one of my most used products, so here it is.

Design Goals

The Google Calendar icon is unique in that it attempts to represent a perspective look - that is a 3Dimensional look - in a 2D design. So with this one, I wanted to try to achieve the look of the icon with an actual 3D model. You can see the result of the 3D Model - viewed at the right perspective - looks pretty well like the 2D version.

Design Process

Revolve tool created perspective
To get the dimensions right, I used the Google Drawings trick - where I trace the image. I could have easily just measured the dimensions - since the foundation of this design is just a few rectangles.

In the end, I had three rectangles - One for the base (which has the two holes at the top), one for the top part of the calendar numbers and one for the lower part. Both of those calendar parts sit on top of the base.

To get the perspective angles on the top and bottom of the rectangles, I used the "revolve" extrusion tool in Autodesk 123D Design. The bottom part, I revolved 15 degrees, and the top part, 30 degrees. Then I used the "Filet" tool to round the corners.

To get the numbers embossed into the two halves, I actually created the numbers using the "Text" tool, and then cut the numbers in half. Then I aligned each half to be flush with the top surface of each of the respective calendar halves and pushed them into the surface by 2mm. Then, of course, I "Subtract"ed them from each half - and voila! I had the look of a real paper flipping calendar!

The Model

Since this is one of the Google Product icons, I've added it to my Product Icons page, which you can find right here on my blog (the tab at the top takes you there) along with many other product icons.

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